order to echo the store concept of natural feeling, a recyclable brown
paper shopping bag should be used in store when people purchase. In the
campaign plan, in the first two weeks after the store launched, a
special design of shopping bag could be helpful to enhance the customer
Here are some inspiration about the bag and the dry flowers that I want to put on the bags.
As far as I am concerned, I found a paper shopping bag model
from the internet, then open it in photoshop to illustrate its main
shape and outlook. After that, I used my own photo to fill the shopping
bag, which is a special textile hard brown paper which bought in
Granthams shop.
finishing the main body, I want to add some dry flower onto the bag
surface to increase raw feeling. At the beginning, I was thinking of get
some dry flower in the market then take some original photo, but I have
been told that very few dry flower in our town. Then I just selected
some pics on Pinterest of dry flowers and branches and cut them out and
adjusted them into appropriate size in front of the bag.
I totally drew four bags using lavender, branches, carnation and tulip.
And this shopping bag will be used in the first two weeks to celebrate
the shop open.
When I am showing these bags to tutor, she said the outcomes
are not so professional, she wants some models look more realistic. Then I
looked up the website she recommended but unfortunately I can’t find any appropriate
shopping bag models. Then I have to do that myself, I tried to search a brown
paper shopping bag without logos on that as well as the outfit must be clear
and professional. So, I am going to use this bag below to finish my design.
Firstly, I added Barbour Cityscape’s logo onto the bag
surface. Put it to the bottom.
Secondly, I picked up some dry flowers on the internet,
trying to put them onto the bag in appropriate place and adjust the flower’s
size to make sure they look realistic.
I totally chose four different kinds of flowers which with
nice colours and outlook.
Here are the final shopping bags design.